Full disclosure: Reyna Grande is one of my clients! Having said that, I think that this writing workshop with this award-winning author—whom, I also happen to know is exacting in the way she approaches her craft, and extremely generous with others—represents a fantastic opportunity for aspiring authors. The fact that the tuition is so affordable only adds to this workshop's appeal in my mind, so I just had to share, which is why I asked Reyna to send me the details and here they are:
What: Creative Writing Workshop with Award-Winning Author, Reyna Grande.
When: 4 Tuesdays, Nov. 1 to Nov. 22 @6:30pm
Where: Private residence, East Whittier (Los Angeles County)
Who: Anyone who is looking for a supportive environment, guidance, and encouragement.
How Much: $100.00 for four sessions
Contact Reyna Grande at reynagrande@gmail.com for more information about the classes. If you are working on a fiction or creative non-fiction project and are looking for feedback on your work, and/or would like to learn more about the craft of writing, then this class is for you! Space is limited!
About the Author:
Reyna Grande is the author of Across a Hundred Mountains (Atria), which received an American Book Award, the El Premio Aztlan Literary Award, and a Latino Books Into Movies Award. Her second novel, Dancing with Butterflies (Atria) was the recipient of a Latino Book Award. She is a sought-after speaker, educator, and event organizer. Visit her website at www.reynagrande.com